Sunday, January 19, 2014

How to Boost Sales Quickly

It usually happens to many online stores (including your store)  that their customers abandon shopping carts because of red tape and lack of payment security. So, making checkout process as easy and transparent and guaranteed as possible is essential for increasing conversions rate and sales.
Here are some quick tips to improve payment process for your ecommerce website.

1. Provide flexible Payment Options
A current study found that more payment methods other than credit cards you offer, higher conversion rate you can get. So, it is a wise choice  for you to accept payment in various ways
However, it will waste time and energy to accept all payment methods, you just need to research your target audience and find out which payment methods most preferred
Besides, retail chains  such as, – they allow payment in over 100 currencies, it will be much better if you can accept payment in different currencies.

2. Allow Guest checkout
Many consumers are not willing to fulfill in usernames, passwords, email on online ecommerce website for fear of being flooded with promotional emails.
 You could not blame them for that;  in contrast, you should find comfortable ways of retaining your visitors to the rest of the checkout process.
 A research by Invesp in September 2013 shows that 64% of the top 200 ecommerce websites allow guest checkout. So, try being open for onsite visitors to encourage them finish their shopping cart.
But, in the long term, it is necessary to encourage your customers to register an account as a member which will help to retain your customer. Thus, serve them better and let them understand their rights and benefits when being a member in your websites

3. Require Essential Information Only
In fact, forcing customers to fill out more unnecessary field can mak them become impatient
A report published by Forrester found that 11% of U.S. adults abandoned an online purchase they explained that they either didn’t want to register the site because they was asked for too innecesssary information. It really disturbs them.
In the case of payment process, just the card number, the expiry date and the security code are enough. If you absolutely need the extra information, such as a phone number, make sure to include an explanation for why it’s required.

You read through 3 best ways to improve your payment process. How many of them you can handle easily. This question is not effortless to answer.
Meanwhile your competitor's sales are increasing dramaticaly. If you don't have any ideas about how to implement it. I sincerely recommend Magento One Step Checkout from Mage-shop
With Fastest Magento Checkout you can save time for for customers to checkout in only one simple checkout page for customers.

Now come back to next solution
4. Have Clear Calls to Action
Don’t make your customers have to guess what to do next.
when one adds an item to her card, make it clear they can “Continue to checkout” or “Continue Shopping.” Be specific and avoid being ambiguous.
Make your website design as much actionable as possible. Don't be afraid to design big shiny buttons that really stand out. Make it easy for the eye  to tell your primary CTA apart from the rest of your page.
checkout cta button
Make your calls to action clear and compelling

5. Give Security Assurance signals
The last tip is about security. Online purchasers pay alot of attention to your compromise of keeping their information safe from hackers, esp. financial data or the bank account number.
A survey by eConsultancy found that 58% of respondents leave the checkout page due to concerns about payment security. Thus, remember to always showcase the security measures you have in place. For example, you comply with the standards of the PCI Security Standards Council (PCI SSC). This is the first thing to gain trust from your customers’ right after their buying actions and ensure the next deals in future.
Show your customer security assurance signals - especially signals from third-party authority
There are many different payment methods.
Once again, I really hope that you can boost sales quickly with this tips. If you don't know how to do it, let's try Fastest Magento Checkout
more details:

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