In this article we will add breadcrumbs to Contact us page. There is no breadcrumbs by default.
Step 1
Step 1
Modify corresponding XML file, in our case it is contacts.xml. You need to add the following code:
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<contacts_index_index translate="label">
.... <reference name="breadcrumbs"> <action method="addCrumb"> <name>home</name> <params helper="arrowhitech_mod/getHomeUrl" /> </action> <action method="addCrumb"> <name>contact</name> <params> <label>Contact Us</label> <title>Contact Us</title> <link/> </params> </action> </reference> </contacts_index_index> |
As you see we operating with breadcrumbs block via XML. We added 2 breadcrumbs:
- One for homepage (with a link to homepage).
- One for the current page.
- One for homepage (with a link to homepage).
- One for the current page.
The interesting point here is the assigning of the link to first breadcrumb:
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<action method="addCrumb">
<name>home</name> <params helper="arrowhitech_mod/getHomeUrl" /> </action> |
As you see, we call method getHomeUrl() from helper arrowhitech_mod which insert the link to homepage into breadcrumb. This is our custom helper, lets create it in “Step 2″.
Step 2
Step 2
First of all, we need to create our own module (Note: If you don’t know how to create your own module in Magento don’t read further).
In below example the module is located in app/code/community/Arrowhitech/Mod/, but you can use any other location you like.
In the /etc/config.xml file of the module we need to define our helper:
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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<config> <modules> <Arrowhitech_Mod> <version>0.0.1</version> </Arrowhitech_Mod> </modules> <global> <helpers> <arrowhitech_mod> <class>Arrowhitech_Mod_Helper</class> </arrowhitech_mod> </helpers> </global> </config> |
Finally, we need to create a helper file app/code/community/Arrowhitech/Mod/Helper/Data.php:
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class Arrowhitech_Mod_Helper_Data extends Mage_Core_Helper_Abstract { public function getHomeUrl() { return array( "label" => $this->__('Home'), "title" => $this->__('Home Page'), "link" => Mage::getUrl('') ); } } ?> |
That’s all. If you did everything right you will see the breadcrumbs on the Contact us page.