Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Get customers’ full information easily by Magento Track Order- Sale off 100% only on Christmas 2013- "Hury up- Limited Number"

Many online business owners complain that it is difficult for you to get customer information from customer orders or customer emails. With aim of help customers handling this problem easily. Mage-Shop has created Track order extension which allow you to get full information of customer from order number and customers’ email without any fee.

Important Tips for Effective Product Pages in Magento

Supposing there is normal traffic patterns, a Magento website can likely obtain around 40%-50% of its traffic to the Homepage. The rest of the traffic goes to the Category pages, CMS pages, and mostly your product pages. This means that product pages play an important part in most eCommerce websites. There are some useful tips to enhance effective product pages and improve usability & SEO: