Showing posts with label Admin back end. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Admin back end. Show all posts

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Customer pictures contest -It's a social extension that allows customers to take part in the pictures contest rated by facebook like.

Magento Customer pictures contest  -It's a social extension that allows customers to take part in the pictures contest rated by facebook like.

Customer pictures contest is a social magento extension that allows customers to take part in the pictures contest rated by facebook like system. Relying on the results, Administrator will announce winner of the contest and send coupon code to the winner who can use the coupon code to buy the products on the main site and recieve incentives on price.

Main features:

Customer back end:

  • Customers after logging in can attend customer pictures contest if they agree the terms and conditions.
  • Customers can upload pictures using Ajax uploader with a progress bar. After uploading successfully, customer can add title, descriptions of picture
  • Customer can edit/delete pictures from list
  • Customers can crop images using tool developed by Jcrop Javascript
  • Customer can change avatar picture, user name
  • Customer can withdraw from the contest
  • Template design for customer back end: Picture list view page has user info block, upload picture block , pictures list: pictures, facebook like button, system status, delete/hide button, toolbar: sort by (newest, most popular). Picture view page has user info block, picture items: picture, title, description

Admin back end:

  • Admin back end can be accessed at a tab located on admin navigation bar. The tab includes 2 items (all pictures, all winners)
  • All pictures view page: include all pictures to present: Allow admin to set status for pictures such us: Approved, Denied, Removed. Admin can send email to user to notify user pictures status changes. Allow admin to set winner for pictures, send email notification to customer. Allow admin to set up coupon code and send email to customer. this page admin also can filter or sort
  • All winners view page: Include current winner block: picture, username, number of likes by facebook. List all winners. Admin can sort, filter. This page has a table list with: picture name, title, facebook likes count, date of winning

Front end:

  • List all pictures of all contestants if a user visits the customer pictures contest: Include an upload button to allow user to upload image or ask user to login to upload image. Include latest winners board. It also has toolbar to sort by (newest, most popular). List all pictures with facebook like button and contestants username
  • Allow visitor to like pictures by facebook like button or comments
  • If visitor select to view a contestant, all pictures of the user will be displayed including the winning pictures if any.
  • If visitor selects to view pictures, a picture view page will appear which has: user avatar, user name, joined date. picture showing with: title, description, date, facebook comment. facebook like button
  • If visitor selects to view a winner, he/she will go to picture winner details page


Customer picture contest extension is an excellent magento extension which allows you to apply for a broad range of purposes, not only the picture contest but also other products. Having this extension, you are able to:
  • Create a social pictures contest for users, which will attract a lot of visitors to become members and get benefit from your site.
  • Allow users to post products they buy/ view on your site to their Facebook profile. Other facebook users will have chance to write comments on the product, which definitely promote your products much better than any other marketing solutions.
  • Allow users to post whichever products, images they like and you in return will get a hint of the current trend. You can see which products are received most interest temporarily. So, you will have critical trading strategy on your range of products to be sold on your site.
This extension is tailored for your product marketing services and you will find it a sensible assistant for your business. We believe this extension inspires a lot of ideas for various purposes on the services you are providing and selling.

For demo you can see at:

Front end:
You can register a account to check this extension features. After login, you can click on customer pictures at left menu and explore this extension.
If you don't want to register account, you can use account:
User name:
Password: abc123

To check admin back end functions:

You can login to admin back end:
user: customerpictures
pass: customerpictures123
Thank you and enjoy exploring with this extension.

ONLY $69 - View Detail Now :

Product Video -This is a very useful feature for any magento website which allows admin to add video(s) to product images

Product Video Extension -This is a very useful feature for any magento website which allows admin to add video(s) to product images.


We have received lots of inquiries for videos placement on product details page presently. Thanks to it, we realized that it is a need and also a must for us to think of and dedicate our resource to develop such an extension. Now here is the first version of Product video extension we would be proud to release. We believe it will meet demand of Magento shop owners who have been desperatedly looking for a helpful tool to make their product visualization more convincing.

Extension descriptions:

Actually, this is a very useful feature for any website based on magento which allows admin to add video(s) to ordinary product images view. Just simple like image uploading, admin will browse video file(s) to upload and the video(s) will be shown on product details page at fontend.
Admin back end:
  • It’s designated friendly with Video tab bellow Images tab on product information page when you add new/edit product in admin backoffice
  • Allow admin to upload video files for product from computer
  • Allow admin to use embedded videos from youtube
  • Allow admin to edit/delete uploaded videos
Front end:
  • Show the videos in product details page on different viewing orders
  • If user clicks on video, it will play right on the image window. This is very friendly for user to view videos
Other functions
  • HTML/CSS validation
  • Easy to install, easy to upgrade, just copy and paste to use
  • Friendly and flexible configuration
  • Support multiple stores

product video demo


Backend: User: productvideo Pass: productvideo123

MS Magento slideshow - Our slideshow extension proudly supplies you with various options to beautify your website.

MS Magento slideshow - Our slideshow extension proudly supplies you with various options to beautify your website.

Full magento slideshow descriptions

Actually, this is a very useful extension for any websites based on Magento commerce. We designed and developed it to achieve many advanced features which facilitate administrator to manage the website from back end panel. At front end, the slideshow can be viewed smoothly in many effects. You can check and see how the slideshow features as follows:

Full Magento Slideshow descriptions

MS Slideshow 2.0 is believed to be practically useful Magento Extensions for any websites based on Magento platform. We designed and developed it to achieve many advanced features which facilitate administrator to manage Slideshow from back end panel. Also, at front end, our Magento Slideshow can be viewed smoothly with various effects. You can check and see its features as follows:

Newest features are updated on version 2.0

  • Slideshow admin panel is redesigned to have more user interface and easier for admin to manage slideshow
  • Ms Slideshow 2.0 is redesigned with responsive theme support, that means you can use this extension for your Magento responsive theme.
  • Also, it is designed to work well on all mobile Magento themes. It will automatically resize to fit within your theme on any mobile devices
  • On tablets and mobiles, Ms slideshow 2.0 also supports Touch interaction

Admin back end

It’s designated friendly with Slideshow menu item and 2 sub menu items (Add slideshow, Manage slideshow) on the main navigation in back end.
Add slideshow - administrator can add new slideshow and configure the new slideshow in terms of:
  • On General information
  • Slideshow name
  • Configure slideshow whether it contains images or products or static blocks
  • Select position for slideshow
  • Select stores to show slideshow
  • Global slideshow setting with: height, width, Auto rotation, rotation speed,... Particularly the transition options allow you to select slidehow effects to view at font end.
  • Slideshow setting for products: image width, image height, show price or not, show product title or not, show product description or not
  • Slideshow setting for static blocks: image width, image height
On Slideshow images:
  • you can add as many images as you wish to the slideshow if you configure slideshow to show images
On Products:
  • It will list all products and allow you to select as many products as you want to the slideshow and it will show the products you added only if you configure slideshow to show products
On Static blocks:
  • It will list all static blocks and allow you to select as many static blocks as you wish to show
On Display on pages:
  • It allows you to configure slideshow to display on which pages you like
On Display on categories:
  • It allows you to configure this slidehow to show on which categories you want
When you go to Manage slideshow sub menu item, you will see the slideshows you added before. You can edit/delete the slideshow. When you edit a slideshow you can configure slideshow again the way you want

Font end

  • Show slideshow as exactly as you configured them in back end panel. The slideshow performs silky and vividly in different effect options
  • Once a user clicks a slide, it will go to details page. E.g. If the slide is a product, it will go to product details page…

Other functions

  • HTML/CSS validation
  • Easy to install, easy to upgrade, just copy and paste to use
  • Friendly and flexible configuration
  • Support multiple stores

Install & Configuration

  • First download the Module.
  • Create a backup of current files on your server
  • Copy and Install the files from source folder to magento_root folder.
  • Go to System > Cache Management and flush all cache Memory.
  • Logout then login the admin panel again
  • Go to Slideshow > Manage Slideshow
  • Click on slideshow in list to edit.
  • To add new slideshow, go to Slideshow > Add Slideshow
  • Enjoy it!
Select "Ms slideshow" option at select box
or use username/password:msslideshow/slideshow123