When searching for an SEO strategic consultant, your best option is to go with someone who not only has years of SEO training and experience but someone that has in-depth experience in website coding, programming, designing and developing. As a SEO strategist who began her professional career as not only a software application programmer but also a website designer and developer, I always take into consideration the front end and back end of a company’s success online. In order to help your online success, I’m going to give you 7 tactics to successful on-page SEO problems that happen quite frequently but can be fixed quickly.
1. Create Unique TITLE Tags
One of the most powerful ranking factors is the TITLE tag on your website. The TITLE tag is the text that appears at the top of your browser bar that will usually state your business name and specialty. These tags should always be unique, keyword rich and descriptive. Each page should have it’s own unique TITLE tag to illustrate to the search engine spiders that each page contains unique and relevant content. If you have a huge site that is running on a specific platform (WordPress, Joomla, .NET, etc) there are ways to code appropriately to automate this field to pull a specific area of content from the page.
2. Create Unique META DESCRIPTION Tags
Although the DESCRIPTION tag does not directly impact your search engine rankings (SER), it does indirectly impact your website in:
+ It most often determines the snippet of content that is displayed in your listing on the search engine results page (SERP).
+ Creates a value added that attracts your visitors to click on your link in the search engines to visit your website.
As with the TITLE tag, the DESCRIPTION tag should be unique to differentiate it from other areas of your website and attract more relevant traffic.
3. Keep Your TITLE Tags Short
SEO is an art and a science but still has certain rules it must follow. One of these rules is the limit of character displayed in the TITLE tag on your website and the fact that the more words in this tag, the more diluted your optimization efforts. Keep your TITLE tags relevant but do not make your other pages compete with each other. Keep the TITLE tags short and relevant to the content on the page.
Along with this, the TITLE tag has a limited character threshold on the search engine results page (SERP). Don’t make your TITLE tag contain “…” after it. When it does, the search engines and potential visitors are missing out on quality keyword content.
4. The Importance of Canonicalizing Internal Duplicates
There is a lot of duplicate content available on the Internet and Google has been implementing new algorithms to ward off websites that scrap and steal quality content. In order to help increase your website’s search engine ranking you need to be aware of three common kinds of internal duplicates:
+ Those caused by alternate URL paths to the same page
+ Those caused by tracking parameters and session variables
+ Those caused by search filters and sorts
In these cases, it is important to canonicalize these pages by either using a canonical tag or 301-permanent redirect. This will inform the search engine spiders which page is the original content and help prevent duplicate content indexing.
5. Create Direct Product Links
If you’re website is e-commerce based or has thousands of pages, then having a simple website architecture platform is not a viable option. Normally, you never want to make your website visitor click more than 3 levels deep to find the page or product they are looking for on your website. In this case, it is best to add direct product links, from your best sellers, on your homepage. For bestsellers or featured products, keep the direct links to a minimum but by implementing this strategy, both your visitors and search engines can more easily get to deeper levels of your website.
6. Get Rid of Low Quality Links
The more links you have on your website, the more diluted the weight of each link becomes. Websites with limited links (internal and external) demonstrate to the search engines that each link is of high value and therefore should be treated as such. Keep the linking limited to a few high quality pages and websites in order to increase the weight of each of those links.
7. Modify Internal Anchor Text
Don’t over-think the keywords you use to link to other pages in your website. Keywords should always reflect your keyword strategy and remain simple but relevant to both your visitors and search engines. Use common words that your customers or visitors would use to find your products or services. For example, if you are a B2C company, don’t use language or jargon that only the internal employees would know for your consumer website. Simple and relevant anchor text should remain a priority.
Although there are many parts to a complete SEO strategic plan, website owners and companies should not ignore the important of on-site tactics. Link building and off-site tactics may bring some traffic and search engine spiders to a website but it is what happens on the website that determines the overall success of a SEO strategy. Without a solid on-site SEO strategic plan, search engine spiders may not only have difficulty indexing and ranking your website correctly but customers may become frustrated – which highly decreases the chance of conversion.
I welcome you to implement these solid SEO strategic tactics on your own website and when you are ready to take your website/online brand management success to the next level, don’t hesitate to contact us.
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